This Prophetic vision confirms what is predicted through what is known as “The US Navy Map”

How the US Navy Map was made and why, we don’t know, but God is likely to hand over an unrepentant nation to wicked people, and their evil plans. Therefore it should not surprise anyone if Mystery Babylon USA and it’s corrupt leaders will “allow” these earthquakes to happen and even “help them” along to cause even more destruction than they would by pure natural cause’s.
If you find this hard to believe, I would recommend you to study the work and findings of the earthquake researcher Dutchsinse. Link to video!
There you will discover that the West Coast of USA is totally perforated by years of drilling operations all along the fault lines and natural weak points in the most risky earthquake area’s in USA.
This is not a conspiracy theory, but a plain observation. God will judge the American church through 4 major events to try to wake them up:

  1. Hurricane’s
  2. Earthquake’s
  3. Tsunamis
  4. Captivity because of invasion

Hear Byron Searle share an early vision about God’s judgment upon America:

If you would like to educate yourself on risks of earthquakes and tsunamis on the west coast, you might want to check out this TedX Talk by Professor Chris Goldfinger. This is Conspiracy Facts – not a theory. Repent and get your house in order! Judgement is coming! ☄️🌊💥🌪️

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